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Supercharge your income by sharing creative knowledge

Mntr. is a mentorship monetization platform for creators with portfolio review, feedback on artworks, 1:1 mentorship, and much more

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Check out your potential income as a mentor

The average creator receives 10+ mentorship requests from the community weekly. Use this calculator to predict your potential Mntr. income

Income calculator

Number of followers




Average advice/mentorship price




Estimate income, monthly


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Estimate based on 0.1—0.5% of your followers purchasing a single feedback request

Share knowledge

Share your creative knowledge with true fans

Expand community

Your community will grow exponentially with your support

Supercharge Income

Earn by providing them direct feedback on artworks, portfolio review, or 1:1 mentorship

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Join the community

We drop some cool stuff for our subscribers from time to time along with the best news